Husni Osman

Husni Osman, a burgeoning figure in the vibrant Malaysian contemporary art scene, introduces a unique fusion of untamed brushstrokes and unadulterated innocence in his neo-expressionist creations. Departing from a background in landscape architecture, Husni’s artistic journey was set into motion by a transformative encounter with the works of Mark Rothko. Drawn into the enchanting world of art, he bid farewell to his career and embraced the streets as a canvas, delving into the realm of street painting.

Immersed in the hustle and bustle of urban life, Husni’s largest installation, ‘Why Are You Wearing those Blue Glasses,’ stands as a testament to his time as a street painter. Comprising 36 portraits, this collection is a personal narrative reflecting encounters with a diverse array of individuals — some he met, others he envisioned. It is, in essence, a poignant portrayal of Malaysian society, capturing shared challenges faced by people from disparate walks of life.

Since his self-taught initiation in 2008, Husni has carved his artistic path, reaching a milestone with his inaugural solo exhibition, “City Boy,” in early 2015. The showcase prominently featured his acclaimed portrait collection, ‘Why Are You Wearing those Blue Glasses?,’ garnering widespread attention from both the media and the art community.

Husni’s artistic footprint extends far beyond local borders, resonating internationally with exhibitions and collections proudly displayed in esteemed venues across Germany and Vienna. His ability to convey emotion and narrate stories through his art has positioned him as a rising luminary in the global art arena.

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